Preschool in San Diego, RE available

Home / Listing / Preschool in San Diego, RE available


BizEx ID:BizEx1462-AV
General Location:Vista, CA
Category: Services
Educational Services
Years in Business:Over 25 years
Under Present Owner:Yes
Hours of Operation:M to F
Owner Hours:6:30 am to 5:30 pm
Organization Type:LLC
Lease Expiration:5 Year term
Lease Options:2 options to renew for 5 Years
Building Size:3144
Reason for Sale:The owner has decided to focus on their other preschool due to the considerable distance from their home.


Asking Price:$400,000
Down Payment:Negotiable
Gross Sales:$651,000
Discretionary Cash Flow:$155,000
Inventory Included?
Min. Operating Capital:
Real Estate Available?Yes

2024 2023 2022
Gross Sales $ 651,000 $ 650,669 $ 607,586
Gross Profit $ 651,000 $ 650,669 $ 607,586
Disc. Earnings $ 155,000 $ 147,400 $ 147,837



The school’s current marketing efforts are primarily driven by word-of-mouth referrals, with minimal to no active sales or marketing initiatives. It lacks a social media presence and lead-generation systems, presenting a significant opportunity for growth.

This opportunity is ideal for a buyer passionate about early childhood education and equipped with strong marketing, sales, and community engagement skills. Implementing a robust marketing strategy and enhancing community outreach can serve as key value drivers to expand enrollment and elevate the school’s impact.

As of 2/5/25, the current number of students are 33. The Max capacity is between 55 to 61 students.

The Director's/owner salary is currently was added to the discretionary earnings. This is ideal for the new owner assumes the role of Director.

One of the owners currently serves as the Director and is dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition. They are willing to remain in the role for up to one year or until a new Director is in place, providing stability and continuity for the new owner.


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Disclaimer: The information herein is furnished by the seller; BizEx has not verified this information and makes no representation or warranty as to its accuracy, completeness, or authenticity. Future earnings may differ from past earnings. Discretionary Earnings is defined as earnings before deducting interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization, and adding Owners salary, benefits and non recurring expenses.

Alfred Villegas
Business Broker / M&A Advisor
100 Wilshire Boulevard
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Office: ext 949.371.7080
Direct: (949) 371-7080
Lic#: 01067581

Logos Member of the California Association of Business Brokers Member of the International Business Brokers Association Member of the M&A Source Holder of the Merger & Acquisition Master Intermediary designation, M&A Source's highest qualification Holder of the Certified Business Intermediary designation, IBBA's highest qualification Holder of the Certified M&A Professional designation from Coles College Trained by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts to conduct business valuations