Los Angeles Florist & Events - Burbank's Premier
/ Listing / Los Angeles Florist & Events - Burbank's Premier
BizEx ID: | BizEx900-KF |
General Location: | Burbank, CA |
Category: |
Other Personal Services
Florist, Gifts
Years in Business: | 15 |
Under Present Owner: | 15 |
Hours of Operation: | Tues-Sat 9am-6pm |
Owner Hours: | 9am-6pm |
Training: | 2 weeks @ 20 hours |
Organization Type: | |
Lease Expiration: | 04/30/2016 |
Lease Options: | 2@3years each |
Building Size: | 1,600 |
Employees: | 0 |
Reason for Sale: | spend more time with family/ exploring other opportunities |
Asking Price: | $139,000 |
Down Payment: | Negotiable |
Gross Sales: | $265,798 |
Discretionary Cash Flow: | $136,247 |
FF&E: | $25,350 |
Inventory Included? | |
Inventory: | $13,000 |
Min. Operating Capital: | |
Real Estate Available? | No |
Rent: | $2,250 |
Financing: | Seller |
2015 | 2014 | 2013 |
Gross Sales |
$ 265,798 | $ 306,646 | $ 232,229 |
Gross Profit |
$ 133,607 | $ 143,026 | $ 115,126 |
Disc. Earnings |
$ 136,247 | $ 142,292 | $ 94,092 |