New Business For Sale: Specialty Landscaping Service
Home / Blog / New Business For Sale: Specialty Landscaping Service
The Biz Blog
January 19, 2021 by Kendric Foultz
Kendric Foultz just launched a new listing: Specialty Landscaping Service
Specialty Landscaping Service
Asking: $45,000 • Gross: $80,800 • Net: $33,500Business for sale is a specialty landscape service operation. The owner developed this model over the past two years and has built a wonderful platform that could be expanded upon by the next generation of ownership. This business is home based so there is no need for renting any additional space, just a simple home office is all that is needed. The work being performed is seasonal so the operation is only active for six months between April and September. This would make an ideal bolt on acquisition for an existing landscaping operation or for an individual interested in this industry looking for a simple to run operation. Very green as a benefit. All tools used in the business are included including a nice website. Owner is willing to work post sale if needed. For more information go to and register as a buyer or contact Kendric Foultz directly at 310-968-2369.
Kendric Foultz
Office: (310) 882-2200 ext 102
Businesses for Sale